Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Antoinette became a friend of Heartline Ministries after the earthquake. She was on the U.S. Naval ship for an amputation due to an earthquake injury and because she was pregnant, she had her son on the ship too. Her post-surgery recovery happened at the temporary field hospital Heartline operated. She and her family have been in our lives ever since.

A few weeks back she tore her prosthetic leg when it caught on a piece of metal on a tap-tap (public transportation).  Today she met with these fabulous guys at Project Medishare to ask them about a replacement leg. I was touched by how loving they were to her. 

She shared her earthquake story, Ronald (right) listened intently. When the new leg was not exactly perfect they urged her to tell them what she needed to make it fit better. It has been a long time since I saw such wonderful and kind customer service and because Thomas (training others in Haiti since the earthquake- He came after being trained in Kenya) and Ronald (being trained now) were so excellent today, I wanted to acknowlege it.  

They truly brought joy and hope into my day with the kindness they showed and the way they did their work with love and percision. 

~           ~           ~

“The best antidote I know for worry is work. The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired. One of the great ironies of life is this: He or she who serves almost always benefits more than he or she who is served.” 
― Gordon B. Hinckley

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” 
― Booker T. Washington

“It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” 
― Henry James

Monday, June 24, 2013

It is today: Fly

~fly day~
It is November 1994 and you are being handed to me in North Memorial Hospital and I am looking at your squashed up face through tear-filled eyes, and I am so afraid... 

It is the fall of 1995 and I drop you at daycare for the very first time and I'm crying so hard I cannot see as I drive off to college... 

It is October 1996 and I've met the most gentle and kind boy. I can tell he cares about us. I wonder how much, and what it might mean for us... 

It is November 1998 and you are spinning in circles on the dance floor at our wedding in your flower girl dress and it is midnight and you don't want it to end... 

It is fall 2000 and you're standing by the flagpole gripping your lunchbox on the first day of Kindergarten at Rivers Christian Academy and when we blink you are done and you are wearing your silly blue cap and gown... 

It is summer 2001 and we are all laughing so hard we cannot breathe, you are up on water skis on the lake with your spindly 6 year old Kermit the Frog legs... 

It is September 2002 and we are sitting together on the ground outside of our hotel room in Port au Prince and you are crying. You have met your brother and sister and your heart cannot carry what you have seen here... 

It is March 2004 and you are with me at North Memorial Hospital again, only this time you are holding my hand and we are waiting to meet Noah... 

It is 2006 and we have moved to Haiti and you are teaching your friends English... 

It is 2007 and you are handing your big sister supplies while she cleans out a wound of a friend in the village. You comfort and distract with Kreyol conversation that is best described in Haiti as "ou pale Kreyol tankou rat"... 

It is March 2009 and we are facing some of the very hardest days in our relationship and we are covered by God's mercy and goodness and we begin to understand how much He loves us, and that He is for us... 

It is summer 2009 and you are teaching all of us so much about love and service while taking care of your first foster-child, Renald, and you are riding horses now, and life is returning to him, and to you... 

It is January 2010 and you are looking me in the eye even as the ground still shakes and telling me that you can handle evacuating with your siblings. You are more afraid than you let on and your strength carries your siblings as much and more than the roaring C-130 military plane does... 

It is August 2010 and you are being baptized by our Uncle in the same lake I was baptized... 

It is May 2011 and you are stunningly gorgeous and grown up and on your way to the prom... 

It is January 2013 and we are driving to school and we are watching the days fly by and we know the time has come to begin to release you... 

It is today and I am dropping you off at the airport and I am wondering how it all passed by so quickly and I am wishing I could stop time... 

When they hand you a baby after you have performed miraculous feats of superhuman proportions to bring that little person into the world, they don't tell you about what is coming; the greater pain of letting them go. They don't tell you that those hours and hours of contractions and pushing are just the warm-up, eighteen years early, for the real pain. 

It is today and I am thinking about your future and I am praying with all of my might that this world will be kind to you... 

It is today, and you will fly.


November 30, 1994

Friday, June 21, 2013

3 primary colors

"We will never become the people of hope and blessing we're meant to be until we learn how to wake up and pay attention to the glory and pain, beauty and suffering that are in lives all around us ... 

When Jesus was wrapping up his days on earth, he didn't tell us to go to church. He didn't tell us to engage in a spiritualized version of channel surfing, as we hop from place to place in search of just the right programming to entertain us. He told us to get out and actually do the stuff he'd already been doing, painting the hope of God's reign on the canvas of God's world. He told us we're artists... 

Thankfully, God has shown us that hope, in its million different forms, always springs from three primary colors: justice, mercy, and love.” 

R.Dahlstrom, The Colors of Hope: Becoming People of Mercy, Justice, and Love
Photo: TroyLivesay

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

things a mid-husband in haiti says ...

"Wow. Long labor. Is she a G1?"

"What is the dilation situation?"

"Think you'll have to transport? Want me to come drive?"

"Want me to take you to do the post-partum check?"

"Think you'll sleep at home tonight?"

"Go to bed. PLEASE, go to bed. You are crazy-irrational-tired."

"Are the contractions getting "cho" (hot) yet?"

"Want to watch Call the Midwife tonight?" & "Do you know when Season 2 is available?"

Troy has always loved pregnant ladies. 
Not in a creepy way, just in a sweet and fascinated-by-their-amazing-feats-of-bravery sort of way.  

After the earthquake he was known to bring pregnant ladies to Beth to plead their case. We had to put a stop to that. It is great that he is SO for us in this work because sometimes this work can mean he is required to single-parent for hours and days on end. I'm grateful to have his backing because often it feels like too much to figure out and juggle with a big family. His steady voice assuring me that he has no problem with being there for the kids and no problem with my unpredictable schedule (and behavior) really helps. I guess I am trying to say that I love my husband for being the first and main reason I am able to love on the inspirational women of Haiti. He is a good man. 

(Thank you, Troy. You are the best midhusband ever ever ever.)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Baby Book Entry 7: June 2013 Edition

with cousin, Whitney - early June

{By way of explanation, let it be quickly said, I have no idea what any of these children's first words were or when most of them started walking, or many of the milestones of moderate importance. The first born is 23 and her baby book is filled in to about the 15 month mark.  Nobody else ever had such a thing. We take billions of photographs and they stay in the electronic form forever and ever amen. I love the idea of doing a book of photos each year. It is an idea. Just an idea. So far.  I do these posts because I think when the kids are grown they will like reading about themselves. That, or they'll hate me for talking about them in a public place. 50/50 odds, I roll the dice.}

June 2013

Dear beats of our hearts, and fruits of our loins,

This letter and update is long overdue. These words must sounds so familiar to you. We're late, we're running behind, we're sorry, plans changed, not this time, maybe next time ... these are common phraseology in your little world.  This is the {Haiti} hand you were dealt. It will make you incredibly flexible and adventurous adults or it will make you bitter and resentful. I see you choosing the former. The last time I wrote about you,  (you know, thrice annually) was August 2012.  Look at me!! Not yet a year later, and here I am again. That is exactly like three times a year.  Only minus two.

The quick general overview about this time of your lives...
You finished school in early May. You are now doing summer school for seven weeks. You had a blast learning under Jimmy and Becky again for a second year. (Successfully completed 12th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, Kindergarten and Pre-K, and all move forward in the fall.) You are all freaking out excited that we will be taking all of you in chairs in the sky to visit America in late July. You are in various places in grieving the impending departure of Paige. We will find our new way, our new places without her leadership, I know we will. Things are generally harmonious, although Phoebe and Lydia continue to be wild cards. Don't bet real money on calm if they are involved. (In all other circumstances, gamble to win.)

I will start with Isaac (11.5 yrs old) this time.
Son, what in the world has gone on with you since last summer? Your voice is cracking. You wear deodorant (and when you don't, oh lawd!) and you put on Axe body spray like a boss. You love words. Words. More words.  I don't know anyone that loves words the way you do. You're doing fractions. This means you do math that I cannot do.You finished 5th grade, maybe even "vehemently" finished, you'd say.  You owned it.  Today you got out of the Heartline van, after riding home with many strangers from summer school, and you said, "Well it was great meeting everybody - have a great flight back to America!" I heard you from inside the house in my safe little introvert hiding space.  I smiled. Dad said, "The diplomat is on the job."  You love people. I hope that you always do. I love people too. Just less of them. You put the extro in extrovert. Or something. I would describe you as cautious, but I see you taking risks lately. I am always proud of you, but especially now that I see you doing things that are hard for you and trusting yourself and God with some new things.

And Hope (11.5) ...
I don't think it is kosher to discuss puberty on line. Certainly not. There are rules on the Internet.  I see you trying so hard to walk the tightrope between little girl and young lady. It is not easy but you're doing it your way and we have all got your back. Well, I mean the all of us that does not include Noah.  It is okay though, keep giving him the side eye when he bugs you to explain why you seem crabby. He will catch on eventually. You love getting away from us and reading your book. You love getting away from us to do a craft or draw or watch a DVD. You love getting away for your alone time.  We honor your need for alone time and we advise you not to have seven children or you can forget about it. The 4th grade proved to be no biggee. You crushed it. You have been doing well with piano and taking lessons from Melissa. You've been singing some. (This is one from six months ago.) We kept our tradition and produced a kick-bunz version of "So This is Christmas", thanks mainly to you, our only truly willing singer. Sometimes I worry that Isaac has Noah and Phoebe has Lydia and maybe you not having a side-kick is an issue but I think you like it this way because you are kind of the extra mother to them all. It is not uncommon for us to realize you've been listening in on a lot of adult conversation, you like to find ways to sit with grown-ups and chat. You are comfortable in your own skin, even in this time of transition. Your poise and discernment are evident.

Lydia our big 5 and half year old,
You read. Words. Sentences. Books. Once, around February or March, I sat with you for 45 minutes while you sounded out six words and I thought to myself, "That is it. We found our illiterate kid. Every family has one."  But no.  You are sticking it to the man mom, proving me wrong. Once we figured out that your brain doesn't like food dye, and sugar is better in small quantities, we began to see a new person emerge. People that came to visit in May said, "This is a new Lydia."  We liked the old Lydia, but more in the 'afraid to not like you, sleep with your eyes open' way. This new no food dye Lydia is funny, articulate, animated, spunky, smart, loving, and passionate. Lately when the sugar is pumping and you're feeling a little bit edgy you give us the sign by putting your hands in the air by your ears in bear claw formation and moving them rapidly while making an open mouth, scrunched nose, honey-badger face. No words are necessary, we know this means you are trying to keep it all joyful but the possibility exists that things could go south without warning.

Phoebe six point five years old -
I don't know exactly when you found your voice in this big family, but you did.  We hear you. Sometimes from miles away, if you are angry or afraid. One spider, one scratch on your leg, watch.out.eardrums. A flare for drama, that's it. You are losing teeth right and left, which is good because there are way too many in your mouth. You are making huge progress with swimming. It was fun to watch you decide WHEN you'd let go of the ladder.  Nobody was going to guilt, shame, or trick you into it before you were ready which I think is a skill that will help you when you are a teenager. I love that you ignored the peer and sibling pressure and did it in your own time. You love coloring, playing house, and dolls. You are reading like a champ. Your giggle is infectious. You are the boss of prayer time, always moving things along if there is a lull. Tonight you prayed a very common prayer for you that began "Dear God, I hope you had a great day and that you don't have bad dreams."  Then, you informed each of us when it was our turn to pray.

Noah - our nine year old comedian,
It is your pleasure to make us laugh. You'll do crazy things for a laugh. All you ask is that the audience responds.  You recently said, "I'm gonna buy a car-house. You know, like a van, that you live in." After that, when Grandpa was here for Paige's grad party he worked with you on a Matt Foley (Chris Farley SNL) impersonation.  You and Granddad found your commonality, being border-line obnoxious while entertaining others. Acting and physical comedy aside, you have a serious and compassionate side. You are quite affectionate and tender too. I have seen you step into a big brother role in a way that I had not previously noted. You used to be content to be a little brother but I see you protecting your little sisters and guiding them. One night you helped Phoebe make an apology she needed to make, you led her down the stairs and gave her prompts.  You look up to Isaac, and were a little lost without him when he had to leave for a few days in May. You swim faster than most fish, we need to start the Port au Prince Aquatics club soon.

Paige (emancipated)-
Girl, I cannot say everything I need to say here in a public space. Voting is not as exciting as everyone makes it out to be. Just know that. This is a hard time, yes? I see you. I am with you. I love you. You are going to kick the ever-livin-heck out whatever you do. Congratulations on a job well done here in Haiti. In life. In love.  Fly baby, fly.

Britt & Chris -
I am officially graduating you out of Baby Book posts. I think your graduate degrees and four years of marriage earn you the right not to read about yourselves on yer Ma's dumb blog. When you have your baby we can start a grand-parental virtual baby book!!! We can, right? We are excited to see where your educational goals take you next! We are all so anxious to be on your turf  this fall.

late May 2013, all together!

~              ~               ~

Because you kids spend a lot of time with your teachers, they know you very well. I am including their descriptions of you here, too. Miss Becky wrote this to Miss Chelsea to prepare her for summer-school.

When I read this, I think to myself, oh my goodness, we are so so so very blessed to get to be your parents. It is like we won the lottery without even entering the gas station and buying a ticket; which is just to say that we are luckier than lucky.

Isaac is an extreme optimist,  who is full of joy, kindness and thankfulness. Isaac every single day thanks us for teaching that day. Usually several times at the end of the day. He is a good writer with quite the knack and love for vocabulary. He also loves Pokemon and chickens. He struggles with math, and with recognizing nuances or abstract concepts – He is very literal. He also has a hard time staying focused and on task. His brain works very randomly. Everything is different, every time. But he is always full of curiosity and questions, trying to make connections. He is pretty equally a visual and audio learner.

Hope is a beautiful, confident young girl quickly turning into a young woman more and more each day. She is always willing to learn and try and does what is asked of her. She loves and is very talented at art. She likes to sit and work at detailed things like puzzles and intricate crafts, that they boys have no patience for. She also is a great memorizer and has a beautiful voice. Her best subjects are Writing and Memory work. She struggles with math and Logic and keeping her things cleaned up. She learns visually and through music. Even though Isaac is older, Hope is your “momma” figure and likes to be the boss.

Noah is all boy. He likes to be moving all the time and is certainly a kinesthetic learner. He is very self-confident (sometimes overly so) and is a great communicator and relater. His best subjects are math and reading comprehension. He struggles some with spelling and grammar. His self confidence can quickly turn to self condemnation due to a perfectionist side in him. He also can be very lazy – he is fully capable of doing any work, but will at times whine and act like he can’t do it. He loves reading and talking and telling really detailed stories, and of course he loves to win. His brain works very logically.

Phoebe is an introvert who has come out of her shell this year. In a large group she may fade into the background but in a smaller setting she can be quite loud and crazy and loves one on one attention. She is a very good reader (and loves to read) and memorizer.  She is often overly dramatic. She is a hard and focused worker, but will give up and have a bad attitude if she thinks something is too difficult. She always likes having her own personal fan. She and Lydia are mostly best buds, but are also very competitive with each other.

Lydia is definitely the youngest child. She is full of spirit and a great combination of both tough and sweet. She is good at math and is a visual learner with photographic memory. She loves to talk! (You will find that she and Noah have this and many other things in common.) She works very well under very clear and firm boundaries and structure. She has to know that you are the boss. If she knows that, she won’t test you. If she thinks she might be the boss, then you better watch out. She loves words of affirmation and hugs.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Contradiction: Part Deux

Here we all are...
Witnessing despair and delight 
Tragedy and triumph
Here we all are...
Living an incongruent and uncomfortable 
Beautiful and horrible contradictory life
Sorrowful yet rejoicing 

I wrote those words a month ago while thinking about a young woman named 'Miker'.  She is cognitively delayed, presenting in maturity very similar to that of a six or seven year old.  She is a mother now, thanks to the tragic and mind-numbing unfairness of this world. She didn't decide to have a baby.  It was decided for her. 
We have come to understand that Mikerlange's mother, the hardest working person you could ever hope to meet, thinks that she can be the agent to protect, preserve, and propel the life of this new baby into the future.  Two weeks ago the baby got sick, was hospitalized, released, and is now slowly gaining weight again. Sweet Miker cannot respond to most questions she is asked, needs continual monitoring and direction, and sometimes says "My baby is ugly".  How grievous to know these word have most certainly been spoken over her in the past; she repeats them with ease, as if she were a parrot.  When Grandma was told about adoption and the possibility of it, she adamantly said, "No. Not interested."  And that is Grandma's right.  We believe this. Please pray for Grandma, Miker, and baby RoseLove. 
Sorrowful yet rejoicing.

I have written about Joanne in the past.  Our hearts are enmeshed. She is our sister.  I look at her; I see my Phoebe. Joanne was the first born to their mother.  Phoebe was the last born. Joanne is strong. Stoic. Reserved. Shy.  This year has not been kind to her. She has faced personal and difficult health issues. She has persevered.  Her bravery inspires us. Reassures us too.
Today she came to share a difficult story. Her husband went to work. He came home. He needed to go do an errand. He bathed, got dressed and left to go to Croix de Boquets, a nearby town.  He never returned.  That was June third.  Joanne checked the morgues. She looked around at the faces in the beds at the General Hospital. "Do you think he is dead or alive?", we asked.  "I think he is dead." Joanne answered.  When she first shared the news of her pregnancy with me she said, "I am married now. We moved out of Cite SoleyThis man is gentle with me. He wants this baby. This is the chance for me to start over."  Pray for Joanne. 
Sorrowful yet rejoicing. 

1-Miker, her mother, & daughter
2-Joanne and Tara on May 23rd, 2013 
3-Sitting together on a prenatal day earlier this year

Monday, June 10, 2013

cue sad and tragic (horn) music

From last night:

Noah said, "I don't want you to die. But when you do I am gonna pay for your buryage. Some people will play some horns; very sad and tragic music ... And then, some people will throw some flowers. Then probably Isaac will say a speech and we'll pray and dig the hole."
~             ~             ~  

Isaac is 2 replies into his question answering, catch up with him here.
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The kids are off to week two of summer-school. So far the report is that summer school is easier in every way except for the way that they are still required to do math. Additionally, Noah has mentioned enough times that he DOES NOT have a crush on Chelsea, that we are all crystal clear on the fact that- he does have a crush on Chelsea. They are going to the school building three days a week, staying home and working from home the other two days.
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Tina and Whitney are here until Friday. We're hoping some of the 8 babies (supposedly) due in the month of June will let us see their faces.
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Today while five children are 3 miles away I plan to enter dangerous corners of their closets and get rid of truck loads of their crap. I need to figure out if anyone has jeans long enough to cover their shin bones to wear to travel in late July. No Pokemon or pile of random trash treasure or haggard looking Barbie doll is safe for the next two hours. 
~            ~            ~ 

Troy is celebrating 38 years of hanging out on this earth tomorrow. He planned ahead and stopped shaving a month ago to arrive at his first ever facial hair success in time for the birthday. The commentary surrounding said facial hair has been entertaining and insulting. Sadly, we have recently learned that insults only spur Troy onto new and even more evil mustachio goals and plans.  

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Second Summer of ASK ISAAC!!!!

Ask Isaac: Second Summer of ASK ISAAC!!!!: Hi everyone! I am here and ready to answer more questions. I will be glad to take any question...

Find the First Q and A of the summer here.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Children's Kreyol ABC Book & ASK ISAAC returns!

Watch this video for an important 9 second announcement!

Questions can be left at this post on "Ask Isaac" OR, for an even better chance of an answered question please email your question to Isaac at livesayfamily @gmail.com - Isaac will try to answer questions five days a week until at least mid July. The possibility exists that Isaac will succeed and his mother will fail, no guarantees being given.


Recent High School graduate, Paige, is excited to share her senior project with you all. Her parents are excited to promote a way that she can earn a little bit of college money.

The proceeds from this book will all be put to year one of college. In the interest of total transparency, the cost to Paige per book is $36. The reason the book has been priced at $50 is not because we love Shutterfly so much but because we hope Paige can make a little cold cash too.  (Shutterfly - you greedy beast!)

This children's ABC book in Kreyol features the beautiful scenery and people of Haiti.

By late-June we will have more information about how to order this book outside of Haiti. 

It is currently available at the ApParent Project store and at Haitian Creations, Tabarre store, located at Clercine 19, near the PAP airport. Write us for directions if you would like to stop in and shop on your way to or from the airport!

Directions from the major/nearby intersection to the Haitian Creations store:

When you come toward the airport you go to Carrefour (Intersection) Clercine. All drivers will know this intersection. At Carrefour Clercine you do not turn onto the road called KenzOktobe (the road that would take you to U.S. Embassy) --- you continue north on Clercine (going away from the airport) past the two story large DeliMart building and past the police station (blue/white building) on your right. Go about 1/2 mile and you will see a very large blue gate on the right that has the words "VILLAGE THEODAT" in yellow writing --- that is a land mark you want to watch for becuase after you pass the large blue gate into Village Theodat you will take the very next left. The road you are going left on is called "Clercine 19" and "Rue Sadrack" AND it has a "MiniFee Kindergarten" sign on it and it usually also has a "Haitian Creations" sign too. Go left on Clercine 19/Rue Sadrack - you will see Haitian Creations on your right (sign outside on cement wall) before the road forces you to turn left. It is a dark green gate. 

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

AEA (augmented emotional absurdity)

May and June 2013 are proving to be the months of augmented emotional absurdity. 

As a person that processes events and emotions in writing before I let go of them and move on, I am failing miserably at processing so much at once. 

I don't know what happens when a person neglects to work through highly amplified feelings and emotions. I guess we will find out eventually. Poor Troy. The work of the man married to this giant whirling-ball of AEA is neither finished, or easy. 

Happy, sad, joyful, painful, celebratory, & bittersweet... 

  1. Paige walking into graduation ceremony while the audience hummed the pomp and circumstance song in unison for her.  (unconventional? yes. uber fun? yes!)
  2. Paige hugging her siblings after their poem that destroyed the mascara of tens and the composure of dozens more.
  3. Brittany and I with Marie France after she asked me to please name her baby boy. Marie France's story is too intense and personal for telling here - just let it be said, this woman is my hero.  Her son is named Malachi. She loves him. Her love is a strong testament to me.
  4. Isaac's First Momma and I visited last Friday. Dr. Jen checked out her thyroid for us, by request. Always, always, emotionally complex and amazing to be with this family.
  5. Yesterday I met my twenty year old niece for the first time since she was a baby. My sister (her first mom) looks so proud, doesn't she? For the next week Tina and Whitney will be with me at work and at play and I will try desperately not to allow Whitney to catch me staring at her - especially at night while she is asleep. (This is an uncatagorizable thing; reuniting with someone you have prayed for and loved for two decades. UN.CAT.A.GOR.IZABLE. period.)





“Turn around and believe that the good news that we are loved is better than we ever dared hope, and that to believe in that good news, to live out of it and toward it, to be in love with that good news, is of all glad things in this world the gladdest thing of all. Amen, and come Lord Jesus.”   

-Frederick Buechner

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

community, trust, healing, grace

She was newly pregnant and had just joined the prenatal program, "My eardrum hurts a lot," she said.

"How long has it hurt? Maybe it is infected?"

"Ever since my Mom died", she replied.

Later that day she shared the entire story of how she lost her mother after the earthquake, in 2010. Her mother had survived the earthquake; they'd spoken numerous times. When things settled down, a few weeks later, she went to visit her mother in an area near downtown and found her in her home, brutally murdered.

Throughout her time in the Prenatal program she shared bits and pieces of her story and we began to build a relationship with her. We were touched by her tenderness and inspired by her strength. She grew to be close friends with another woman in the prenatal program. They became and inseparable pregnant duo, frequently stopping in to visit us on non-program days too. 

When it came time for her to deliver, she was fully invested in what she had learned during her pregnancy. She knew that a first baby would not likely come quickly. She trusted her body and the process. She trusted our team to guide and advise and put her safety and health first.

Throughout her laboring she continued to trust her body. She shared that her mother had not been able to deliver babies "the normal way" but needed a c-section with each baby. She said she hoped she could stay to deliver with us. We all listened to one another and cautiously and patiently moved forward.

She slowly labored for a couple of days. The lack of progress indicated a problem. Our team wanted to see her little girl enter the world and to celebrate with her in the loving, feel good environment of the Heartline birth-room. It was not to be. Like her mother many years before her, her body would not cooperate and she needed a C-Section too.  We dropped her off at the emergency hospital, specializing in obstetrics. We sent her off with a gift bag and a prayer, asking her to call us with news and to let us know when she wanted to be picked up from the hospital.

Her grandmother and mother-in-law came to support 

When we arrived to pick her up she came out with a huge smile. "I had a little girl, just the way my mother did", she said.

We loaded into the ambulance.  "Congratulations! I am glad you are okay. Were the people nice to you", I asked. "Oh, you know, Miss Tara, it is Haiti. Not really."  I sighed.  

"I'm sorry you didn't get to stay at Heartline to deliver", I said.  

"But I am coming back there now, aren't I?" she exclaimed.

We happily headed back to the postpartum wing for a few days of rest, relaxation, and tender -loving - care.  This sweet and brave first-time mom lost her own mother to violence, but found a new connection to her in the birth of her first-born daughter. 

Two families, two groups of women that love and want the best for her, surrounded her.  The Heartline family, her maternal grandmother and her mother-in-law were all invested in standing with her to welcome her child into the world. She seems to recognize that she is loved. That is a gift we all need and deserve. Through our program community and trust are built. Because of that community and trust, the gifts of grace and healing are taking place. We are grateful. 


Monday, June 03, 2013

a life overseas link

Monthly contribution at ' A Life Overseas ' is up today.  

"We’re sharing Haiti from one unique perspective that certainly cannot even begin to cover all of the angles. We’re not experts on this culture or country. We never will be. We are searchers. We are changing day by day because of our experiences here. We are learners that care about this tiny little piece of land in the Caribbean."

Read that post HERE.