Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday Again

When we prepared to move here I wondered if the days would drag by. In the many visits during the adoption the days often seemed very long. We have not found that to be the case these first few months of being here. A week flies by and we can hardly believe it is the weekend again.

This past week was filled with baby prayer requests. Again, I will humbly ask you to pray for these three babies:

Angeline (in the USA now but undergoing major surgery and in very serious condition) Moses/Ricardo (the baby Rhonda and Jason had for two weeks, now in an orphanage in Port took a bad turn yesterday and needs serious prayer) Sophia (severley malnourished 11 month old baby girl.) Of course there are many more babies in this country that are struggling, these are the three that we feel connected to at the moment and we lift them up to the Lord for healing and protection.

My thoughts and fears for these three babies lead perfectly into today's sermon at church. It was based on Mark 5:21-43 (Notes from sermon and my application study Bible.) There was a guest preacher from Canada today.

Notes on these verses-
31-It was virtually impossible to get close to Jesus, but one woman fought her way through the crowd in order to touch him. As soon as she did, she was healed. What a difference between the crowds who are curious about Jesus and the few who reach out and touch him! Today, many people are familiar with Jesus, but nothing in their lives is changed or bettered by their passing familiarity. It is only faith that releases God's healing power. Move beyond curiosity. Reach out to Christ in faith. That touch will change your life forever.

35 & 36- Jairus's crisis made him feel confused afraid and without hope. Jesus' words to Jairus in the midst of crisis speak to us as well. He said "Don't be afraid. Just have faith." In Jesus, there is both hope and promise. The next time you feel afraid or hopeless, look at your problem from Jesus' point of view. Then don't be afraid; just have faith.

39 & 40- Jesus tolerated the crowd's mocking in order to teach a lesson about maintaining hope and trust in Him. Today, most of the world laughs at Christ's claims. When you are belittled for expressing faith in Jesus and hope for eternal life, remember that unbelievers don't see from God's perspective.

Trusting Him for today's problems,
Tara, for all of us