Monday, February 02, 2009

Guns Anyone?

Today a man came to the gate at our house. It is the second time he has visited. He apparently is a gun dealer and found us accidentally while looking for another white person in the area. The first time he came, I pointed him in the right direction to find the other blan. Today, he returned to see if I might also be interested in purchasing a weapon, and proceeded to open up a suitcase and hand me a .45 caliber handgun. It was tarnished and not very well oiled and scared me to death - even though I could see it wasn't loaded. (I'm more of a shotgun man myself.) Asking price: $1,500 US.

He also had what he called a 'rifle', but it turned out to be a pellet gun. That seemed like a better deal at $400 US - until I noticed that it is the same one I used to shoot muskrats with back in Minnesota - purchased at Walmart for fifty bucks.

I did not make any purchases today. If any of you are interested, drop a line and I'll send our area arms dealer your way.
