Friday, September 02, 2011

Helping Babies Breathe

We got to learn infant resuscitation today  - it was great - it served two purposes:

1. I learned how to help resuscitate a new born baby. (duh)
2. I realized that this midwifery in the third world thing is very amazing.

We re-learned today that Haiti has an insanely high maternal death rate. Many Haitian women will die during or immediately after childbirth.

To play a small role in the preserving of these precious lives ...  I get a little bit choked up that without any planning or knowing on our/my part we now get to be part of something so special and desperately needed in Haiti.

I am so thankful for God's love for moms and babies.

And. Just realized.  Third purpose.  It served to prove that stereotypes are based in reality.  Therefore I cannot share any of the photos from our little midwife pow-wow today.  I think it needs to be said that Heather and I have UNKNOWINGLY fallen into the weird-wife trap. It's early enough on that I'm not in denial ...  I see it ... And I am afraid. Very afraid. ;)