Friday, July 20, 2012

yo avanse ~ they are advancing

Left to Right:
Fedline/Michlanda ~Sergeline/Jobens ~ Leoni/Judler ~ Alloune/Ashline ~
Mirlene/Bianca ~Joanne/Ricardo ~ Faphane/Rebecca

Today Heartline Ministries had a short ceremony and "send out" party for the seven young women living at the Harbor House.  We all hope and plan to remain in contact and relationship with them as they re-establish themselves in their real world. These seven ladies have already seen so much more in their short lives than most of us can even imagine.  

Today they stand together as young mothers that have made a decision to love and raise their children. They have more conquering and healing and growing to do  - but they are advancing in that day by day and bit by bit. 

We so want to honor them and their accomplishments and also speak (write) honestly about the struggles.  Each young woman comes with her own important story to tell. Each young woman has overcome in one way or another. We admit that in our own poverty we have not always been as patient with them as we would have liked. We hope to share more about their lives, more about today and about their future plans, but right now we feel the heavy weight of the importance of God's love and guidance in their lives so we're simply praying this...

We thank you for your love for all. We thank you that the hurts of these young women are your hurts too. We thank you that you've not abandoned them or forgotten them.  Lord we struggle with the hard things they've faced in their short lives and we struggle with injustice. We thank you that you are not a God that looks away or leaves us to face hardship alone. We wait impatiently Lord for your Kingdom to come and for all wrongs to be made right.  In the meantime Lord, we pray for your Hand of protection on these seven young women and their seven precious little ones.  We pray they continue to love their little ones and daily be freed from the chains that attempt to tie them to their past. We pray God that no harm would come to them. We pray Lord that you will draw them close to you and that in drawing close to you they will find comfort, peace, joy, and an unconditional love like  We pray Lord that you show us how to support and love them in healthy ways as they make this huge transition. We ask that you provide for their needs. We pray that they look to You as their only true source of hope.  Amen. 

**Thank you to the staff at the Harbor House. Thank you to all members of the larger body that have supported this adventure in the last 18 months. Heartline Ministries wants to thank those that have loved and invested in these women.  The list is long and we probably have no idea how many of you have been praying and giving. We'll be spending about six weeks in prayer and planning before we determine how to move forward.