Wednesday, July 23, 2014

in need ...

Discouragement comes in the form of illness, fatigue, and "failure" to accomplish what we hope. It comes from women that don't immediately have a heart of fierce love or protection for their little ones, or stories of rape, abuse, hunger and homelessness.

Sometimes it comes in all the forms in quick succession.

When the discouraging stuff piles up enough that you find out you've lost your joy or your hope or simply just your remembrance of the good things - we all need a giant pause button, reminders of triumph,  renewed prayers, and a review of God's faithfulness to us in the past.

If you are feeling like this too, if you are missing your usual hopeful outlook or joyful attitude ...
Pray that love catches you unaware and lights the dark (and hidden) corners of your heart and ask Jesus that we all quickly be brought face to face with a beauty and a joy that takes our breath away and calms our doubts.