Thursday, April 15, 2010

Words Fail

Words fail to describe all of the thoughts and feelings I have as I prepare to leave Haiti again tomorrow morning. For those of you following along in our story I know you can understand. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement and support through all of it.

For now, I don't have the time or energy to put into words the experiences of today but I will sum it up briefly:

- The gas shortage and rationing could become a problem soon - so far it hasn't made a big impact other than limited supplies and long lines at the stations and some reports of price gouging. This seems small in comparison to what most people are facing here just trying to survive and stay dry from day to day.

- The traffic situation is beyond bad as one tries to navigate around town and get things done...but then again it has never been very good. To-do lists usually need to get cut in half in order to be more realistic.

- The people we get to work with at Heartline are among the best I've ever known. I will continue missing them while I'm away.

- I met with two families today and saw the broken homes they left behind and the shacks they've constructed to replace them and heard their stories. It was amazing, shocking, and at the same time encouraging. We plan on sharing many of their stories in the future - as they deserve to be told and I believe the people here need a voice that goes beyond the sound bytes and governments and show business.

- I am more and more convinced that the Haitian people are beyond measure in their tenacity, resiliency, ingenuity, and strength.
