Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Lydia Beth, 4 on the 4th

Birthday party Sunday @ Beth/John's house
One Saturday in February of 2007, after 14 months of living in Haiti, and only six weeks after Phoebe joined our family,  I dug around in a bin full of pharmacy stuff looking for a pregnancy test. 

Troy returned home an hour or two later.  I asked him to meet me at an area far away from our mission-house where people that visited gathered to pray - the prayer rock.  We climbed up to the rock.  We sat down. I handed him an envelope with the positive test in it and waited for his reaction.

Maniacal laughter is one sign that you're dealing with a crazy person.  The day that envelope was opened I dealt with two crazy people.  Troy, the crazy laughing fool.  Myself, the insane weeping fool.

Born on October 4th, 2007 this little lady, our 7th child, has proved to be many things.  Unpredictable, fun, ornery, loving, intense, intelligent, spirited, and a not often seen and rarely understood combination of needy and independent.  She makes us laugh. She makes us cry. She makes us laugh again.

Dear number 7, our spunky Lydie B:
WE LOVE YOU funny Lydia!We cannot imagine how BORING our family would be without you. You are the best kind of gift anyone can ever receive .... The kind you didn't know you needed, but later realized you were missing.  Happy 4th birthday to the baby of the family. You bring our family so much joy and we are so thankful you are here.

Troy's post announcing her arrival.
Slide show.
Choosing her name.
First photo with 7 kids.

2010 - On turning 3:
You will lose your baby teeth.
At times, you'll lose your faith in me.
You will lose a lot of things,
But you cannot lose my love.

You may lose your appetite,
Your guiding sense of wrong and right.
You may lose your will to fight,
But you cannot lose my love.

You will lose your confidence.
In times of trial, your common sense.
You may lose your innocence,
But you cannot lose my love.

Many things can be misplaced;
Your very memories be erased.
No matter what the time or space,
You cannot lose my love.
You cannot lose,
You cannot lose,
You cannot lose my love.
~Sara Groves~