Monday, October 22, 2012

Run For Life Haiti . org

Will you PLEASE take four minutes and watch this:

Maternal healthcare ...a passion. 

The women of Haiti ...a passion.

pas·sion/ˈpaSHən/  Noun:

  1. Strong and barely controllable emotion.
  2. A state or outburst of such emotion.

If you are here and reading this, We're asking you to pray and to consider how you can help with this massive and exciting undertaking. This will require passion.

When I first heard what Barry hoped to do, and why he hoped to do it, I was incredulous. Of course I understood his passion for the cause, but I didn't understand how in the world he came to the decision to take on such an insane number of miles. The truth is it isn't necessary for Barry to convince me of his physical capabilities, or his mental stability. It is, however, necessary for all of us to get behind him and support his vision. It is after all - a joint passion. 

January of 2007 Barry was with his wife Rebecca as their son Isaac died approximately 30 minutes before he was born. They never had the opportunity to hold a living, breathing son. Their loss is personal. Their loss is great. They would be the first to tell you that their God is personal. His healing grace is great.  This is what fuels Barry's desire to reduce the  maternal and infant mortality rate in Haiti.

The important things to know:

1. Anyone can get involved
2. The website is:

3. The ultimate goal is to raise $800,000 for the construction of the new, much larger, Maternity Center. In the past two years $146,000 has been raised for the Maternity Center. It is sitting in an account designated to this cause and will be added to this fund. 

At the website you will see a donate button and a link called "get involved". Co-run events are suggested. For non-runners there are dozens of ways you can get involved.  For example, in December in South Texas Tara's mom and musician friends will be holding a Christmas concert. Proceeds from that night will be donated to the Run For Life Haiti fund.  They will be signed up for a co-event as a team. Bake sales, garage sales, other athletic events, concerts, and craft sales are all great ideas. The list of ideas is as endless as your imagination. The holiday season is the perfect season to be creative and give. 

Consider many ways to get involved:

1. Share this post or Share the YouTube video
2. Boldly ask others to give and act
3. Organize a "co-event" of any variety - sign up with a team name
4. Give generously to sponsor Barry and his gallant efforts
5. Check out and "like" all of Heartline's Facebook pages for updates:
6.  Pray for the pregnant women in the program, pray for the women on the wait list 
7.  Join us, become passionate about Maternal Healthcare and the women of Haiti

New to this site, never heard of Heartline Ministries or the Prenatal program?
To see some of the faces and families of women that have been supported through their pregnancies please click here, here, here, here, here, here or here and peruse the archives.