Saturday, January 28, 2006

Visit Us - Mission Trip Info

We keep hearing that lots and lots of you want to come to Haiti. We LOVE that idea. Before anyone has a chance to be disappointed we wanted to let you know that even if you are our friend or acquaintance, the mission trip fee that Lifeline charges will still apply. (Only moms & dads and brothers and sisters are exempt.)

The $300 fee covers your lodging in our home (we are above average hosts), your food along with safe drinking water, and your transportation to and from Port au Prince (about a two hour ride). See this link for more info.

As we understand it you can either organize a team to come and work with Lifeline on open dates, or you can come individually and we just have to get clearance on your chosen dates, to be sure that there isn't a team scheduled at the same time. Lifeline prefers teams of approximately 12 people. Larger teams are okay but then you'll need to be more flexible with the sleeping arrangement and share rooms. Lastly, if you want to come; think about what types of projects you enjoy, how you can best use your gifts and what things you'd like to see and experience.