Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Britt and I are headed out for a run. The weather is so much nicer this month. We're finding it easier to motivate ourselves with these tolerable (even lovely) temps.
We read a blog of this guy in Kenya. That is where we ripped off the idea for the guest map. Most of our ideas are not original.
THANK YOU to those who signed it today, we are all having a blast seeing where you are. Fun!
For the technically challenged, you don't have to do much, just put a pinpoint on your state/country to mark your location, leaving your full name or email address is optional.
I never would have made it as a missionary in the pre-internet days. That must have been lonely for them. The connection via the computer makes us feel linked to the people we love and keeps us from feeling isolated.
Have a good evening. Stay warm.