Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Briefly ...

Time for blogging is hard to come by lately. Sorry for the lack of stories and information.
We're all thinking of you and thankful for you - in spite of our lack of words.
The kids have been hard at work trying to wrap up the school year. Britt has been sick since Sunday night, she seems a little better today.
Troy has been busy with multiple projects and activities. There is a waxing and waning of new needs and troubles. Currently the taps on the gate are frequent. He is also preparing for the Pastor's training on Saturday, we're in disbelief that it is the first Saturday of the month already.
We've been gone too long to know anything about USA movies -- but we love Sara Groves and enjoyed this performance of a song of hers that made it into a movie recently. We agree with her. We also want to raise and lead our children in faith and boldness. At some point they would then (conceivably)channel their energy away from wearing underwear on their heads and into something truly amazing. ;-)

Sara Groves "Something Changed"