Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The last day with a mission team is always reserved for a beach day. Thankfully we've never run into a team too holy to take a day off and go to the beach. *THIS* team did however, come close. They will only allow for a half beach day. ;-) Around 1:30 they're planning to quit working and head to Wahoo Bay.
This group has worked hard and been a joy to have around. It is fun to connect with new people, Kris and I are happy to have made a special connection with one of the women on the team. I hope to share more about that later.
Our whole family had planned to join them but Jack-Jack has been puking since 3am so he and I will stay back and watch movies together. The poor guy is sacked out on the couch (above) and has not said much today.
I've got more to say but no time to say it right now. I mainly wanted to let the Michigan families know that your loved-ones are doing great and that they're preparing to return to you tomorrow. I apologize for not getting more photos of them, Phoebe throws a new twist into the mission team hosting and I just did not get out to take as many photos as last time. We will post some beach photos tonight.
We hope you're having a great day.