Wednesday, May 31, 2006


When we moved here we thought we were going to be SO SET UP with this internet Voice-Over IP thing ---- high tech missionaries. Not, not, not.

VOIP that works in conjunction with a Satellite is a bad combination. BAD.

Murphy's law means, only when it is a salesperson, does the reception work two-ways.

When I am being a big cry-baby and I want to talk to my mom or dad or sister ... nothing, I get nothing. I can hear them but they cannot hear me. Usually my dad says "hello, hello Haiti." then after I talk a little bit he says "I know this is you Tara because you always sound like Darth Vador." Then he gets a big kick out of going on and on "Darth Vador hello come in Darth"

Most of the time they go on to talk to me and tell me anything and everything and I just listen. I am becoming an awesome listener ...

My sister wins the award for gabbing the longest without taking a breath or caring that I cannot talk back. One day she talked for SIX minutes non stop (without taking a breath) and then said "well, I know you heard everything I said -- you are updated, I love you bye."

When I hang up I usually just sit feeling sullen and dejected for a few minutes. IT is SO lame not be heard. That is why I write so much, I cannot talk to anyone except the people that live here and already know everything about my day. They are bored with me.

Tonight I answered the phone. After the fifth time I said "hello", the lady said "yes, hello I could not hear you sorry -- I am calling for Isaac Livesay please."

I said "Isaac is four and is in bed, can I help you?" She could barely hear me but told me that Isaac is not eligible for whatever they were calling about because he is four.

Okay. Whatever. I know he is going to be SOOOO bummed to hear this tomorrow morning. I wonder what great thing he missed out on?