Saturday, August 05, 2006

Medical Follow Up Photos

By Britt-
Ankle after stitches Thursday night. You can barely even see them, but they are blue and in a v-shape. I think there's about 7 or 8. The other cut is just a scape. He got it from his bike. I imagine it being mangled in the chain or something. ouch.
A week and a half after showing up with dirt and toothpaste on his head... (we cut the hair to get the steri-strips to stick)

The arm that was cut in an argument (and boy above's sister -- they all came to visit me yesterday:)...
The leg (of the aunt to the above two) that was cut in a motorbike accident ...

Posted by Picasa Both of the ladies are after a month of removing the sutures. I am happy with how they have healed.

I'm working on an update on Krispe and his ulcer. It is so close to being closed up. Thank you so much for your prayers for him, I've seen such a change in his attitude and we've truly become friends. I told him that I will be sad when it heals, because I won't get to see him. To which he responded 'M'ap vinni!' (I'm coming!)