Thursday, November 09, 2006

Suture Free Zone

Hope's sutures came out this morning. It looks pretty darn good considering the way it looked two weeks ago. Hopefully it will keep healing and looking better. There is one place where it bumps out and looks swollen, we sent some side photographs to Dr. Steen to see if there is anything to worry about or do for the swelling. Thanks for praying for Hope.

Of the eight patients who had sututres in LaDigue, all have now been removed and there are no current suture patients.

This morning Troy and Noah and Hope are off to run errands and pick up supplies from Zach (the man behind the Cazale ministry -- dad of Lori and Licia) and Rusty (of the Bercy Orphanage.)

Britt and I got up early and hiked part way toward Petit Bwa for some early morning excercise. She makes me laugh with her funny thoughts and observations, we had a nice time.

Paige is thrilled to be learning all about stalactites and stalagmites and wishes she could become a spelunker. No, not really.

Have a great Thursday.