Sunday, July 30, 2006

Anpil Kids, Love Bundles & Photos

Saturday was a busy day, with a few surprises thrown in. Sometimes when your language skills are lacking, you think you are agreeing to one thing, but you find out you agreed to something entirely different. Surprise!

After our date where Troy tried to get us roughed up, he took Lisa to the market in Archaie, it is something worth seeing if you ever come visit us, we will take you. (Shameless guilt trip.)

While they were gone Lifeline's 5th grade teacher, Henold, showed up with about 60 kids from another village, where he runs a Saturday Bible school. Lifeline has been providing food for the Saturday school and this helps his numbers and attendance a lot. As a thank-you Henold wanted to bring them to sing for us and to show what they had learned in Bible school. Troy misunderstood when he spoke with him earlier this week and did not understand that they were all coming here.

Henold seems to run a tight ship. The kids were so sweet and sang "God is so goooood, God is so gooood, God is so gooooood, He's so goooood to me." They were such a neat bunch of kids it seemed like a pefect opportunity to hand out Love Bundles. They lined up and waited their turn and were all smiles at the nice surprise.

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