Friday, June 16, 2006

All Things...

Yesterday John (our pastor in Haiti) reminded us that ALL THINGS pass through God's hands. There is nothing that happens that is outside of His control.

To both us, and the Hoppa's it feels like we are facing a time of testing. Our kids have been sick, we have been sick ... and it is easy to get discouraged.

We might be discouaraged, but we are not interested in quitting. We came to Haiti to serve our Heavenly Father, a God of miracles, of love, and of mercy. He loves us in the midst of this confusion and illness and He knows our hearts and sees our hurts.

This afternoon we just ask for prayers regarding our discernment over the illness that Troy faces and that Jason faces. It is difficult to know when it is time to give in and go to America to see a Doctor in the developed world. We know the Lord will guide our decisions, your prayers in that area are SO APPRECIATED!!!!

(Troy spent yesterday and last night in a PAP hospital ... I can share more about what happened after I spend some time loving on our kids who missed us. For those who have no idea what is going on, he is okay right now but we have an undiagnosed and unresolved illness. Jason is also still struggling with an infection and covets your prayers as well.)

God is good. In the midst of it all, He is there.